Yundang Hot Spring pocket park offers something for everyone
2023-08-02 00:00来源:双语周刊

  近期,位于筼筜湖畔的温泉口袋公园试开放,吸引不少市民前来体验 “家门口” 的温泉。该公共温泉的建设为筼筜湖畔的休闲活动增添新的色彩,彰显了厦门温暖,包容的生活气息,是休闲养生及邻里互动交流的好去处。

  Article by Runfei Yan

  Photos by Wu Haikui,

  Huang Rong, Wu Yanru

  Yundang lake has long been a central place in Xiamen for a quiet walk or for a meeting with friends and family. I often take a stroll in the area to enjoy a moment of peace in the bustling city.

  When I visited the lakeside's paths recently, I came across a euphonic accordion player performing for an enchanted audience. I shared the path with families taking their toddlers out for a walk and students feeding the area's outdoor cats.

  And I recently visited the area's newest attraction, a hot spring pocket park that is open to all. The hot spring utilizes natural sea water and has quickly become a pleasant place to relax and socialize.

  The center of the pocket park holds two circular pools connected by a curved channel filled with hot spring water. The hot spring is maintained at a temperature of roughly 38 degrees Celsius.

  Many guests wear shorts and sandals to dip in the hot spring. Visits sit along the pools, dipping their toes in the warmth of the pellucid water. Guests of all ages frequent the hot spring, from children to seniors.

  Hot springs are anything but new to the city. In fact, Xiamen received the honorary title of China's hot spring city in 2014. Yundang's hot spring park is a fitting symbol for the area's cultural heritage.

  I look forward to visiting the pocket park on a regular basis and I'm confident that it will become one of Yundang lake's star attractions.
